N-Weeks: Noshing, Niwot, and Nice News

Noshing on N-Foods

I “N”-tered iNto N-Weeks kNowing that words that started with N were Not as Numerous as others letters. It’s Not a Necessity to ‘N-N’date this ‘N’tire post simply with words that start with the letter ‘N’ when there are an ‘N’ordiNate Number of words that start with the ‘N’ sound. Let’s be ‘N’ovative with our ‘N’ergy and Not be Negative about ‘N’ything. No Need for preconceived Notions of Normalcy.


Nourishing or Not, I like to use the celebrated letter to Nudge myself iNto Nibbling on New foods.

This News article introduces 30 Foods that start with N from Nutmeg to Nonda plums. I gave a Nod to the Nectarine – Not ‘N’tirely New, but Not Normally something I’d choose.

Nectarine – Num, Num!

Now that I kNow how Nectarous Nectarines are, I’ll be eating a lot more of them! iN fact, I made a Nutritional Neoteric Nectarine’N’Nutty ‘N’salada iN celebration.

Noodles & Company

I also ‘N’joyed a Nonsensical Night Nibbling on Noodles with Scotty who was in towN! Nutella, Nori, Nuts, Naked juice, and Nestle tollhouse cookie dough were Noted Noshables.


2Nd Nature in Niwot, Colorado

North of my home in Superior, CO, is a little towN Named Niwot. Nestled Neatly Near Boulder, Niwot hosts summer Niceties like Friday Night art walks and daNcing uNder the stars.

aNtiques iN Niwot

My friend, Mary aNd I, ‘N’joyed the Nostalgic kNick-kNacks that filled this aNtique store.


The Natural surroundings in Niwot were Nurturing. This Nature picture is actually from my Neighborhood, but represeNts Nirvana – Nothing but Nice feelings that my Niwot Night ‘N’voked.

Nice News

One of my favorite Newsletters is the daily Nice News. I shared this Napa Valley Nice News by Norah with my Carpe Diem CoNNectioNs Facebook group

National News is Notorious for Noise and Nastiness, but Nice News helps to remiNd us that our Nation is full of humaNity and kiNdNess.

iNdepeNdeNce Day

My N-Nudge for the Carpe Diem CoNNections group this week was “New” remiNding the group that doiNg New things helps build Neuroplasticity.

As is the Norm, I draw a lot of ‘N’ergy from the Nonsense that can ‘N’sue oN the Facebook group.

Let me just ‘N’d by Noting that I kNow National News is Not to be igNored. But today, let’s turN dowN the Noise aNd ‘N’gage iN Nonsense or Nothing at all.
