Quotidian Delights
Q-Weeks remind me of one of my favorite Q-words: Quotidian. I learned of the word, “Quotidian” when reading “The Book of Awesome.” The book described “quotidian” or “every-day” delights in such a way that the reader is ‘Q’d into the fact that we are surrounded by awesome, ordinary experiences and things every day!
In my Quest to celebrate Q’s during Q-Weeks, I Quiver in delight at Quotidian Q-encounters.
I made Quiche and Quinoa to share with my ‘Q’t visitor, Bill. I wish I’d thought to make a charQterie board.

Bill encountered a random Q-siting while Quietly doing Quiz Questions in Spanish with Babel. With his Quick wit and intelligence, he’s Quickly gaining high-Quality results!
Quintessential Colorado

Since Bill is visiting from Florida, I wanted to show him some of my favorite sites in Colorado – He was never Querulous even when I was Queer or Quirky.
Some of the highlights in’Q’ded a concert at Red Rocks. (Admittedly, that might have been a better R-Weeks Quest.) We also went to ChautauQua, Pearl Street, and Garden of the Gods. These all Qualify as Q-Weeks Quests because they are Quintessential Colorado.
Our Quads got a good workout and we didn’t have any pe’Q’niary issues, so without Question, it was a Quality Quest.
The Queen of Quotes on the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group is Heidi McLain.

Heidi posts Quips and Quotidian Quotes even when it’s not Q-Weeks!
During Q-Weeks, I Questioned the others about their own Quips and Quotes.

As always, I appreciate the Quantity and Quality of the participation of the members. They have such creative mental a’Q’ity!
I’m not sure if I’ve reached my Quota of Q’s on this post, but I’d say it’s time to Quit! I’m Ready for R-Weeks!