I had the great pleasure of talking to Patti Ashley this week on my Carpe Diem Connections Podcast.
What exactly is an “Authenticity Architect?” Patti explains in this video, but basically, she provides courses, tools, and resources to help you “excavate your authentic self.”
She’s offering a free course that’s called, “Go In, Not Out: Finding Deeper Parts of Yourself in Challenging Times,” designed specifically for these stressful days of the pandemic.
During my conversation with Patti, and then follow-on conversations with friends, I realized how many times we don’t talk to others about our problems or relationship challenges.. and then when we do, we learn that others are having very similar problems.
Often we don’t talk about our challenges out of shame, embarrassment, or perhaps we feel we shouldn’t be negative.. However, when we do share and are met with empathy, and find we aren’t alone, we can move forward with authenticity.
- Patti’s Website: https://pattiashley.com/
- Full YouTube Interview: https://youtu.be/nZteijC4NxU
- Podcast Interview: https://anchor.fm/carpediemconnections/episodes/Patti-Ashley—Authenticity-Architects-ek7kh8