O-Weeks: Outdoors, Organizing, and Optimism

Outdoor concert with Sage & Aera and Xerephone

OK! O has been the letter On board in Our alphabet-inspired year and Overall, O-Weeks have been the Opposite Of Ordinary. I’ve been Obsessing Over the Overwhelming Ongoing news. Sometimes Outrageous, sometimes Optimistic, Onward we go.


We’ve had Outstanding weather and this is the season to enjoy the Outdoors. There are still the summer Outpours, Of course. The Olympics Opening ceremony Occurred Outdoors last night amidst an Outpouring of rain.

However, at the Outdoor concert (a mini-Orchestra) I attended, the sky was Opalescent as we listened to the sweet sounds of Sage & Aera, along with Xerephine On harp.

Other Outdoor events Occur all summer – picnics, movies, hikes – Any Organizer will Opt to host Outdoors with Others for Optimum Oxytocin.



Not Only in my Occupation have I enjoyed Order, but even Outside of work, I thrive On being Organized.

I tend to Overthink, but when I Organize my thoughts, plans, and actions, I feel productive and accomplished.

This week, I wrote about how I was able to Overcome Osteoporosis. Now my focus is to build strength by Obeying a plan designed to Optimize health. The diet plan is not Only to prevent Obesity, but designed to Obtain muscle.


Finally, I’m Optimistic about the future Of the country.

Though my Origins were Republican, I Own up to my detest for the Old, Odd, Oppressive Republican nominee. Though I don’t agree with all the Opinions of the left, I’m Overjoyed that Kamala Harris is the new presumptive Democratic nominee. To prevent an Oligarchy, I’m throwing my full support behind Harris, Onboarding for volunteer efforts! I’m going On Overdrive to get an Outstanding candidate into the Oval Office!

And Of Course, I want to Offer thanks to my Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group, for their Optimism and Ongoing Participation.

Organic O-Week Post about Oshkosh

Whether Organic or Outlandish, I hope you all are finding humor and Optimism in life. Over and Out!

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