For those following along, this year my project is to have at least one “Microadventure” a week. High-achiever that I am, I’m way ahead of schedule, with 10 new “microadventures” experienced last week in Mexico.
My 3 rules for a Microadventure?
- A fun experience
- With at least one other person
- Blog about it
It’s easy to have fun experiences.. A little more of a challenge (but absolutely a big reward) has been to find people to share them with. My biggest constraint has been finding the time to blog about them in a way that I feel properly captures the experience.
A few months ago, I wrote about a series of Microadventures I’d experienced, including with the family of Chris Blakeslee. Chris lives in Bali, but visits his family in Florida a couple of times a year.
This year, it turned out that I just missed him in Florida, but I was very happy when he suggested we have a quick rendezvous in Mexico to some place neither of us had been! That’s exactly the kind of spontaneous Carpe Diem spirit that I love! After some discussion, we agreed upon San Miguel de Allende in central Mexico.
So Chris is my Primary Adventure Partner for this series of Microadventures in Mexico. He’s smart, funny, playful and always up for new experiences.
The microadventures I picked to write about are focused more on the people than the places. We saw some of the classic and beautiful touristy sights that you can read about in travel books, but, for me, the special moments were those of connection.
Microadventure #40: Dancing to Mariachi Music in San Miguel de Allende
Microadventures #41-#43: Learning from Chris
Microadventures #44-#45: Meeting Seth and Nik in Mexico City
Microadventure #46: Home Exchange Casita in San Miguel de Allende with Julie and George
Microadventures #47-#48: Meeting Expats from GoWithLess
Microadventure #49: Hot Air Balloon Ride over San Miguel de Allende
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