Another flying adventure
Even though my year of Microadventures is over, the adventures continue!
Knowing I’d be in Florida for the winter, Tony invited me to join him in Orlando for yet another flying adventure! (I’d also had an unexpected hang-gliding adventure in November).
Wow! Another opportunity to fly? I only wish I’d had my SuperCarpeDiemWoman cape! (Well, actually, we had to wear a special flight suit so… nevermind about the cape. At least I had my butterfly pants and Carpe Diem shirt for the pre-flight picture.)
iFly Indoor Skydiving was yet another activity that I didn’t even know existed!

What’s it like to have an iFly Indoor Skydiving Adventure?
Tony, an experienced iFlyer, had bought us each three flights with one of them being a high flight, where the instructor brought us up high in the wind tunnel and spun us around.
We didn’t have our phones or cameras when we were all suited up and flying, so no pictures of me flying, but here’s a YouTube video of what it’s like:
Yeah, that’s exactly what it was like! OK, we weren’t doing any fancy flips, but our instructor, Ryan, did tell me I did “very well.” And for the record, he didn’t say that to everyone. I was a proud graduate of the First Flight of iFly Flying School.

iFly Indoor Skydiving is for every age!
I thought this might be a fun thing to do with Diego and Reneya and asked what age range could fly.
“The youngest is 3 and we’ve had a few people who are over 100,” answered Ryan.
Ages 3 to over 100! One of the women in our group was celebrating her 70th birthday. I love an activity that spans all generations! Maybe I’ll take Mom, too!
If you’re looking for something fun and exciting to do, fly it out!