As we Finalize F-Weeks and I reFlect, I’m Fired up about Fulfilling the goals of my self-assigned Framework. Three Functional Outputs? A Field Trip, Facebook Facilitation, and Finally, a Blog Post Filled with the Focus-Letter. Most importantly, the overall goal is to have Fun.
F-Weeks Field Trips

My F-Weeks Field trip was a Free Five-K Fun Run in downtown Sarasota, Florida. Running a 5K each month is a 2024 Fitness goal, so this Field trip Functioned as a TwoFer, helping me Fulfill two goals at once.
Of course, F-Focused Field trips are inFinite when you’re in Florida, since you can simply count anything. I actually had a Fantastic time with a new Friend, Sue Ellen, seeing a musical perFormed at the freeFall theater in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 3rd.

Technically, I Engaged in this Excursion on the day Ending E-Weeks, so I inwardly Frowned upon it “counting” as my oFFicial F-Week Field Trip. It wouldn’t be Fair to my inner rule-Follower. But Field Trips with Friends are more Fun than those done alone. Because it was the Final day of E-Weeks, I Find in Favor of granting Extra Fine credit For this EFfy EdFenture.
Facebook Facilitation
Since Forming the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group, I have tried to Foster a Feeling of Fáilte. The Focus-letter has helped provide Fodder For prompts For Folly and Fotos.
Whether or not the discussion or posts are Filled with the Focus Letter is irrelevant. Of course, I love any creativity that comes From working in the theme letter. Let me Feature a Few examples.
Heidi posted an “F”emerol Fog Foto and Ron Filled the group with Fotos of Friendship, Flamingos, and Foxes.
John Fakes commented, “F is For Fakes,” to which I pointed out the Fallacy of Fakes News. (John Fakes is Funny and Full of… let’s call it Farts in honor of F-Weeks.)
Kelly posed the riddle:
Can you name an 8 letter word with 4 f’s?
Heidi immediately replied “niff-naff.” That was a new word (or is it a Frase?) For me (I love learning new words!) It reminded me of “riffraff” which Kelly said was the word he had in mind.
“F is for Famous: Who’s the most Famous person you’ve met?” resulted in Fascinating stories! My Favorite was from Elizabethe:
Dan Brown writer of Davinci code was at my Fortieth bday party, gave me a flawless bottle of fermented faber grapes from France. Everyone had to dress as their favorite feminist. I went as Zelda Fitzgerald. After I drank a glass, I fainted and my glass fell on his foot. Not a fabrication!
This Factual story of Feminist Fitzgerald in a Femme Fatale scenario with Famous Fiction-writer, Dan Brown, was Fantastic!
Mike Cohn, who I noted as my Favorite Famous person, worked in a 2nd-hand F-bomb to his answer:
Either Drake in a hotel in London or basketball player Bill Walton in the security line at the airport and then in the United Airlines lounge. I once met Lemmy of Motorhead deplaning in London but he told me to “F*** off” when I said hello.
There were more than a Few other Fabulous stories, most of them totally F’ed up in some creative way.
F-Weeks Fun: Flamingos, Flowers, and Frumples

Even a Frugal Female like me can buy myself Flowers. (Duh, Miley!) I especially like to Fill my Flamingo vase with these pink tiger lilies with blooms resembling Flamingo Feathers.

I’m a bit of a Flamingo Freak, and, as mentioned during E-Weeks, my Friends had the Foresight to gift me with Flamingo niFF-naFF. (HopeFully, I’m using this new word appropriately).

One of the most Fun things about my letter-play is when I Find something unexpected and new. There was a Female at a Farmer’s Market selling these Fanciful Frumples.
Frumple Founder, Paula Knudsen, told me her story and the Frumple story. They are not only a Fun Fashion-statement, but can help your Focus and energy.
I Feel Fortunate to have Friends, Family, Faith, Fitness, and even Flamingos in my life. Despite Flatulence and Foolishness, I have Followers.. OK, maybe not Face to Face Followers. Maybe just a Few Followers.. Forget the Followers. I have Facebook. Farewell Fun F-Weeks!
That’s a lot of Fs in one article! 🙂
The Find Function says there are 316!
Such fun, I loved participating