Spreading Love, Gratitude, and Connection in Retirement

I get a lot of newsletters about living life fully. Many of them come from websites featured on CarpeDiemDay, like the Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) and Grateful Living.

A few weeks ago, in this blog post, I shared that GGSC recently sponsored a Love Grant RFP, and thanks to the many uplifting February newsletters focusing on love, I found all kinds of inspiration for expanding what I could do.

Rather than reinvent the wheel with a new nonprofit, I realized I could promote existing organizations and volunteer opportunities—bringing in my own special niche: solo aging and even incorporating my Agile expertise. I’ve always thought it would be cool to combine two of my passions: Love and Agile!

My Love Grant Proposal

I’ve never written up a proposal before. Once I saw all that was required in the GGSC Love Grant RFP, I knew that even filling out the proposal would be time-consuming. Given that one of the major factors in receiving a grant is “Reach” and my audience is rather small, I know it’s very unlikely I’ll win this grant.

However, just completing the proposal gave me the kick in the pants I needed to put a plan in place for partnering with organizations that align with my vision.

As I took a stab at filling out each field, I became more excited about what I could do with the CarpeDiemDay Website and the Carpe Diem Connections Podcast, even if I didn’t get the grant.

Here’s my project summary:

Agile Love: Embracing Change & Connection for Solo Agers

Love evolves as we age, yet many older singles feel invisible or disconnected. This project blends storytelling with Agile principles—adaptation, feedback, and continuous learning—to help aging singles cultivate meaningful love in all its forms. Through interviews, essays, and engaging discussions, I’ll explore how embracing change fosters connection. Partnering with AARP, Grateful Living, and others, I aim to shift narratives around aging, love, and community.

Reviving Carpe Diem Connections Podcast

Podcast Revival

Applying for the GGSC Love Grant also motivated me to do something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile now: Revive my Carpe Diem Connections podcast! This season, I’ll focus on Grateful Living, inspired by the work of Grateful.org. Their resources and daily gratitude practices align perfectly with my mission of embracing life fully.

Each episode will explore how gratitude can transform our lives—especially in retirement. I’ll be talking with guests who embody grateful living, sharing personal stories, and giving practical ideas for cultivating gratitude in everyday moments.

I got permission from Grateful.org to share their articles. For now, I’m just keeping the podcasts short and sweet. I’m still traveling and don’t have any fancy equipment. I also have to relearn the podcasting process, but I was pleased that restarting was easier than expected.

As time goes on, I’ll be looking for guests—particularly solo agers—who have unique perspectives on building love, connection, and gratitude in their lives. If you or someone you know has an inspiring story to share, let’s connect!

Join Me on This Love and Gratitude Journey!

This year has started out hard for a lot of people in this country. I believe this has been the most divided I’ve seen our nation. I’ve felt discouraged and helpless. However, these past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of inspiration. I’d love for you to join me in this journey of spreading love and gratitude. Here’s how you can be part of it:

  • Follow the podcast! I’ll be sharing updates on Carpe Diem Connections and my blog.
  • Try a gratitude practice—check out Grateful.org for daily inspiration.
  • Be a guest on the podcast! If you’re a solo ager with a story to share about love, connection, and gratitude, I’d love to hear from you.
  • Join Carpe Diem Connections, a free Facebook group to connect with like-minded people.
  • Leave a comment! How do you bring more love and gratitude into your life?

Let’s make retirement (and every stage of life) about connection, kindness, and seizing the day!

Turning 65 – A Legacy in Progress

Life is a journey

Tomorrow, it’s official! I earn my rightful place in the ranks of the wise and wonderful elders of the world. Turning 65 is a milestone, one that makes me reflect on the road I’ve traveled, the unexpected turns, the moments I got completely lost, and the gratitude I feel for still being on this journey.

Leading up to turning 65, my plan had been to have a big, meaningful Thanksgiving gathering with my kids at my house. I had all my ducks in a row – end-of-life materials in order. I thought I’d give some grand matriarchal speech about how much I loved each of them.

In the end, I didn’t end up with a big speech, thinking I might just do it for my 65th birthday. Now I’m even late on my blog post, let alone a speech.

Instead, I hope I can express my love every day in little ways. Texts, calls, visits, and laughter.

Laugh with me in life

There’s a quote from Dr. Suess that says “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” I’m adapting that… “Don’t cry when I die. Let’s laugh together in life!”

Right now, I’m spending time with my son, Scotty, at Edwards Air Force Base.

I’ve also been visiting my mom in Sacramento, whose journey with dementia continues to show me the power of perseverance, humor, and grace. In fact, I am declaring her this year’s Carpe Diem Day Superhero.

Watching her face the challenges of memory loss with resilience has made me appreciate every moment, every connection, and every story that shapes our lives.

I’ve also gotten to spend some high-quality time with my brother, Neal, and my high school friend, Danny, with my frequent visits to Sacramento.

Neal and Danny enjoy some of my surprise birthday cake from Stella & Matt

Legacy Video Update

Which brings me to my big birthday project: a Legacy Video. Back in 1995, when I was in my 30s, I recorded a biographical videos with my family. Watching it now, I see how much has changed—who I was then, who I’ve become, and how my understanding of life, love, and getting lost has evolved.

So, I’m working on an updated version. It’ll be a mix of gratitude, humor, and reflections on what I’ve learned along the way. I don’t know exactly what the next phase of life will hold, but I do know I’m entering it with bold energy and appreciation for every twist and turn.

Instead of a big 65th birthday party, I’d love something different—connection. If you feel like reaching out, I’d love a call, a message, or just to hear how life is treating you. That would be the best birthday gift of all.

Onward to 65!

Y-Weeks: YOLO, Yachting, and Yultide


Yes, it’s Y-Weeks, and I’m feeling all the feels. YOLO—You Only Live Once—keeps popping into my mind lately. My emotions have been YoYo-ing between sadness and gratitude.

I’m grieving the loss of a friend who passed away at the Young age of 65. It’s a reminder that life is precious and unpredictable. On the brighter side, my mom celebrated her 89th birthday on December 9, and the love she’s been showered with has been amazing. Thanks to everyone who sent her a card—her mailbox has been flooded with sweet notes, and it’s made her so happy.

Our friend, Danny, has been a rock star, visiting her almost every day and sending me live updates on WhatsApp. It’s heartwarming to know she’s surrounded by love even while I’m far away.

Yachting Across Yonder

Meanwhile, I’m somewhere Yonder on a cruise ship, living out a long-time dream. We left LA on December 6 and are cruising all the way to Miami by the 21st. Along the way, we’ve stopped in Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica—and I can’t wait to see Panama and Colombia next.

The food is ridiculously Yummy, the sun is that perfect shade of warm Yellow, and every day feels like a little gift. Whether I’m soaking up the view or just wandering the deck, it’s all about YOLO moments right now.

Yuletide Vibes

The ship is totally decked out for Christmas, and it’s got me feeling all the Yuletide vibes. As much fun as this adventure is, I can’t help but Yearn for Colorado and the cozy chaos of Christmas at home.

What’s Next?

As Y-Weeks ‘Y’nd down, I’m feeling a mix of nostalgia, gratitude, and excitement for what’s ahead. Life’s Yin and Yang keeps things interesting, and there’s always something to look forward to. Here’s to making the most of the moments and saying YES to the good stuff!

Next up: Z-Weeks—Zesty, Zany, and Zero regrets!

O-Weeks: Outdoors, Organizing, and Optimism

Outdoor concert with Sage & Aera and Xerephone

OK! O has been the letter On board in Our alphabet-inspired year and Overall, O-Weeks have been the Opposite Of Ordinary. I’ve been Obsessing Over the Overwhelming Ongoing news. Sometimes Outrageous, sometimes Optimistic, Onward we go.


We’ve had Outstanding weather and this is the season to enjoy the Outdoors. There are still the summer Outpours, Of course. The Olympics Opening ceremony Occurred Outdoors last night amidst an Outpouring of rain.

However, at the Outdoor concert (a mini-Orchestra) I attended, the sky was Opalescent as we listened to the sweet sounds of Sage & Aera, along with Xerephine On harp.

Other Outdoor events Occur all summer – picnics, movies, hikes – Any Organizer will Opt to host Outdoors with Others for Optimum Oxytocin.



Not Only in my Occupation have I enjoyed Order, but even Outside of work, I thrive On being Organized.

I tend to Overthink, but when I Organize my thoughts, plans, and actions, I feel productive and accomplished.

This week, I wrote about how I was able to Overcome Osteoporosis. Now my focus is to build strength by Obeying a plan designed to Optimize health. The diet plan is not Only to prevent Obesity, but designed to Obtain muscle.


Finally, I’m Optimistic about the future Of the country.

Though my Origins were Republican, I Own up to my detest for the Old, Odd, Oppressive Republican nominee. Though I don’t agree with all the Opinions of the left, I’m Overjoyed that Kamala Harris is the new presumptive Democratic nominee. To prevent an Oligarchy, I’m throwing my full support behind Harris, Onboarding for volunteer efforts! I’m going On Overdrive to get an Outstanding candidate into the Oval Office!

And Of Course, I want to Offer thanks to my Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group, for their Optimism and Ongoing Participation.

Organic O-Week Post about Oshkosh

Whether Organic or Outlandish, I hope you all are finding humor and Optimism in life. Over and Out!

Cister Pride: Promoting Ally Visibility

Celebrating Pride with Michaela and Cister: Embrace Your Authentic Self

Introduction to Cister – Celebrate Authenticity

On this 4th of July, I’m excited to introduce a new nonprofit, Cister, founded by my dear friend Michaela Avis. Cister’s mission is to promote ally visibility within the LGBTQ+ community.

Michaela and I have been friends for nearly 20 years, first meeting on Match.com in 2005 when Michaela was still Michael. Our bond has only grown stronger over the years.

In fact, if you read my book, The Laptop Dancer Diaries, Michaela was a main character, one of my best friends and confidantes. We’ve met Friday mornings for coffee for 18 years, discussing everything from quotidian delights to deep and dark concerns. We’ve listened and supported one another through each of our family’s joys and tragedies.

Michaela founded Cister to create a visible support network for the LGBTQ+ community, allowing cisgender allies to show their acceptance and solidarity.

Being a centrist, I shy away from political activism and I wasn’t sure what might be expected of a “Cister.”

Initially, I wasn’t familiar with the term ‘cisgender,’ which describes people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. Cister aims to empower cisgender allies to visibly support the LGBTQ+ community.

Wearing Cister gear is a way for those of us who are Cisgender to outwardly show our support and acceptance to the LGBTQ+ community.

Fellow Cister Superhero, Bonnie, and I run in the 5K Freedom Race in Louisvile, CO

Let Freedom Run 5K

When running-buddy, Bonnie, suggested we participate in the Let Freedom Run 5K, I was all for it! The ads encouraged us to come dressed as Superheroes (one of my favorite costumes!) Why not come as “Super Cisters?”

We are so lucky to live in a country where we have the freedoms we do, thanks to countless sacrifices. Those of us who are “cisgender” take for granted the freedom to be authentic, with no fear of bullying or judgment.

I feel strongly that as a nation, we love and support one another in our choices. As a Christian and an American, I’m proud of the diversity we experience in this country. This diversity opens us up to a wide range of viewpoints, expanding our minds, recognizing our uniqueness as well as our common humanity.

As we journey together to lift one another, to lean on one another, to love one another, as we work to get this right for everyone, for all the people, we encourage you to walk in the world as your best authentic self. Because that is the most important gift you have, and everyone else needs to see it.

Cister Mission Statement

I’m so proud of my friend, Michaela, who has created this new and unique non-profit. What a great way for Cisters to stand side-by-side LGBTQ+ in unity. (I’d like to suggest we change the acronym to LGBC-QT. That way we can get the “Cisters” represented and end with QT… Maybe next year.)

Do What You Can!

Every Effort Counts: Do What You Can

I was struck by the phrase “Do What You Can” at the Start and Finish line at today’s race. When my friend, Craig, was dying from ALS, and continued to lose physical abilities, I realized he still did what he was able. The rest of my life has been influenced by seeing his determination to remain positive in the face of such adversity. Sometimes we don’t realize that our efforts, no matter how small they seem, can make a big difference.

I told Michaela that I’d blog about Cister, but warned her that my reach was very small. I’m not a celebrity or an “influencer.” Very few people read my blog.

But still, I told her, “I’ll do what I can.” (She expects to see a big uptick in sales after this blog post, though, so I’d appreciate it if you’d help me make it go viral by sharing it, please.)

Not only do I think it’s important to show our “Cister” Support, I love the product line that’s available. Besides the leggings and racerback tank that I’m wearing in these photos, there are a wide variety of hoodies, cute caps, mugs, and bags, all reasonably priced and (currently) free shipping!

Show your Cister Support

No matter your politics, religion, or beliefs, we all deserve to express our authentic selves. Let’s support the Cister community and show our allyship with pride (and trendy new clothes!) Please join me in supporting the Cister Community!

Activities Galore at the Superior Community Center

So, I’m back in Superior after my Florida stint, psyched to be home. But guess what? My car’s MIA, stuck in shipping hell. Oh dear. But here’s the silver lining: while I’m carless, I stumble upon a treasure, practically in my own back yard—the Superior Community Center. Turns out, there’s a whole bunch of cool stuff for the over-60 crowd like me that I never knew about. Book clubs, Texas Hold’em games—you name it. It’s like I hit the jackpot!

As I learned during the pandemic, a “Staycation in Superior” is an awesome opportunity to explore my beautiful town!

Activities for all Age Groups

The Superior Community Center is only about 1/2 mile from my house. I love walking there, even when my car is available. Last year, I often walked over for a variety of events – open-mic night, ukulele jam, DJ Bingo, and Thursday night choir practice.

One of the many great things about this intergenerational community choir is that it’s very informal! No auditions necessary! Even though I was gone all winter, I was able to join right in again, as if I’d never left.

Activities for 60+

I decided to check what activities were on the schedule for the over 60 crowd and what a surprise! There’s such a variety and abundance of classes!

Since I’ve been home, I’ve joined the Book Club, the Fountain of Youth drop-in group, and played Texas Hold’em yesterday at the Games group.

The young woman (2nd from the left), Hannah, works at the Superior Community Center and helps facilitate many of the activities. Next to her is Carol, who was teaching Texas Hold’em. I almost didn’t go, thinking I was already a pro, but I learned a few things myself!

Fun Atmosphere

Besides the variety of activities that are being held at the Superior Community Center, it’s just a fun place to hang out.

It’s funny that I’ve been actively looking at moving to a 55+ community so that I’d be able to find new nearby friends, activities, and clubs. A couple of weeks ago, I found that so much was available at the library close to my Bradenton condo. This week, I find there’s an abundance of activities available walking distance from my Superior home.

Feeling inspired to explore what your local community center has to offer? Don’t wait! Check out the activities calendar, gather some friends or fly solo, and dive into the fun. Whether you’re into book clubs, card games, or just looking to meet new people, there’s something for everyone. So, go ahead, discover the hidden treasures of your own neighborhood, and make some unforgettable memories along the way!

Are you finding new opportunities for community? Come join us on the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook page and share your experiences!

Visit Finland: Learning about Sisu

A week or so ago, my daughter-in-law forwarded me this article about a Happiness Hack initiative sponsored by Visit Finland.

Being the Happiness expert that I am, I’d heard that Finland had won the #1 Happiest Country award for the 7th year straight. However, I hadn’t been aware that they were giving away a free trip to Helsinki for 5 lucky winners!

The challenge was to create a video describing a Happiness Hack and why we should be selected.

My submission for the Helsinki Happiness Hacks Challenge

Happiness Hacks

I was very confident about the Happiness Hack portion of this challenge. Ever since 2010, Craig’s final year, I’ve been studying happiness! I’ve created more content about Happiness than any other topic, including a series of videos asking people what makes them happy.

My first “What Makes You Happy” video

Visit Finland: Find Your Inner Finn

But why should they select me to go to Finland? What could I learn by visiting Finland myself? What could I pass on to others? I decided I needed to find out more about how Finland was winning this #1 rating in Happiness year after year.

I found Visit Finland’s 2023 Happiness Masterclass: Find Your Inner Finn. This series of 5 videos is available to everyone for free. It describes the unique aspects of the Finland that sets the country and culture apart. (By the way, I added the link for Find Your Inner Finn to the CarpeDiemDay.com Landing Page.)

Each of the 5 videos in the Masterclass were Finnspirational, doing a deeper dive into Finland’s culture, environment, and traditions. The class that I was most interested in was the third in the series about Health and Balance.

The Finnish concept of Sisu

The third class in Visit Finland’s Happiness Masterclass was titled, “Fluxing with April Rinne.” April talked about the importance of trust, embracing change, and living with uncertainty. As an Agile coach, these are all concepts I’ve taught myself. When I went to connect with April in LinkedIn, I saw that, in fact, we have many shared connections in the Agile Leadership space.

However, the Finnish concept of Sisu was new to me. April described this as “the art of inner strength.” I did more digging on Sisu and learned what an important part it plays in Finnish culture.

It sounds like the closest translation in English is resilience. Here is a video interview I did with Nic Friedman about resilience in Season 3 of my Carpe Diem Connections podcast.

This concept of Sisu or resilience is so meaningful to me and so difficult to describe. When I think about it, I’m usually on the verge of crying… not out of sympathy, but out of admiration. Showing such amazing strength in the face of adversity is a heroic trait.

Finland’s Recent Tragedy

I spent the weekend falling in love with Finland. Last night I submitted my Helsinki Happiness Hacks video on TikTok. Though I know getting selected is a huge long shot, I learned a lot, so I have loved this challenge.

Then this morning, in my daily CNN newsletter I read about the school shooting that happened in Helsinki yesterday.

I felt a wave of shock, sadness, and grief. Even the world’s Happiest Country is hit with unfathomable sadness. Of course, any loss of life is tragic, but I can think of nothing sadder than an innocent child being killed in a school shooting.

In the midst of our happiness, we’ll experience hardships, tragedies, and challenges. I have faith that Finland, thanks to sisu, will remain strong through this and other hardships. They will remain a leader in World Happiness. They will help the rest of us to “Find our Inner Finn.”

Thank you, Visit Finland, for sponsoring this initiative. Thank you for all you’re doing to spread happiness throughout the world.

The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.

Walt Disney Company

Carpe Diem: Reframing the Bucket List

Bucket lists and goals are my thing. My alter ego is “Super Carpe Diem Woman” after all! I’m all about Seizing the Day! That’s why it was a bit upsetting for me to see one of my weekly newsletters touting “The Rise of the Anti-Bucket List.”

Super Carpe Diem Woman
Super Carpe Diem Woman Leading the Walk to Defeat ALS in Honor of Craig Dunham

The first trigger was the “Anti-” prefix. I immediately wanted to write a post about how I was “Anti-Anti-Bucket Lists.” Whenever I hear anyone saying they’re Anti-anything, my devil’s advocate pipes right up, ready to argue. (Well, unless we’re talking about watching “Auntie Mame” which just happens to be on my March Bucket List.)

After reading the AARP article that originally describes the case for an Anti-Bucket List, I realized the author’s notion of “bucket list” is totally different from my own.

“My bad year had taught me a lot, and probably chief among those things is that there’s much to be said for ordinary life. So I suggest you put the bucket list in the shredder. Do what I’ve done: Create an anti-bucket list. It’s easy. Plane travel? It’s over. Anything you watch on shows like The Amazing Race or Survivor — forget it. Things that might cause stress or fear or make your back ache? Getting up too early or staying out too late? Why? Really, why?”

Stephen Randall, AARP

While I respect and understand the author’s point of view, I have a different opinion about two of his reasons for promoting an anti-bucket list. In my quite passionate opinion:

  1. An ordinary life is FULL of Bucket List-worthy items!
  2. We’re happier when we focus on what we want to do instead of what we will never do again.

Bucket Lists are not just about lofty adventures

A bucket list is meant to be a list of things you want to do before you die. It absolutely doesn’t need to be about travel or challenging goals. It can be about relationships, health, learning or anything! A bucket list is going to be different for every person. The key is to figure out what YOU want to do in this lifetime. Then, do it! Or move towards it. Enjoy the journey!

I executed a 60 Until 60 List the 60 weeks leading up to my 60th birthday. I treated this kind of like a Bucket List that I wanted to complete by age 60 rather than “before I die”. The whole “before I die” deadline is too uncertain. (As a project manager, I’d never accept that!)

I much prefer Yearly Projects filled with rather trivial goals designed to bring joy and happiness into my life. And when I’m happy, the people I love are happier, too.

In 2022, I had a Year of Microadventures, which turned out to be better than a Bucket List for me. Anything could be a “Microadventure.” My only rules were that I had to do something with someone else and blog about it.

Last year was my Year of Learning, which included my quest to become an AARP Benefits Badass!

My goals and Microadventures include quotidian experiences. I very much enjoy finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. Reading a book, walks in the park, indulging in a Netflix series with my son – these are not typical “bucket list items.” However, by being intentional about having an experience, particularly with someone else, and writing about it, I’m creating invaluable memories.

Focus on what you want to do

Stephen Randall’s argument for an anti-bucket list is that it gives us a way to say ‘no more’ to things we don’t want to do. Sure, we shouldn’t let our friends (or our own inner-critics) guilt or pressure us into doing things we don’t really want to do!

I absolutely agree with listening to our gut when we are setting our goals, whether those be on a bucket list or a weekly to-do list. One of the greatest things about being retired is that we have full autonomy of how we choose to spend our time.

As we age, we find there are things we no longer want to do. There may be things on our bucket list that no longer seem realistic.

Randall lists traveling on a plane, things that cause us stress or fear, and getting up early or staying out late as items for his anti-bucket list.

Being self-aware of both what you want to do and what you don’t want to do with your time is awesome. However, I suggest our mood responds much more favorably to anticipating something we want to do, rather than declaring what we won’t be doing.

Rather than declaring we won’t be traveling on a plane, why not have goals to have a staycation, scope out the local farmer’s market, or invite your neighbor out for coffee at that new place on the corner?

Facing Mortality

My passion for a “Carpe Diem” Lifestyle is primarily fueled from my experience in watching Craig Dunham, a friend who died from ALS in 2010.

As he lost his ability to speak, walk or move, he kept adapting, taking pleasure in whatever he could still do. That courage and strength still fills me with such admiration. The day I realized he couldn’t pick up the phone and tell his kids he loved them, was the day I realized how very much I take for granted.

There’s an infinite list of things we will not do in our lifetime, either because we don’t have the time, the money, the ability, or simply don’t want to! Why spend any time thinking about those things?

Instead, let’s fill our days with doing the things we want to do. Whether they are big, lofty goals or simply picking up the phone to say, ‘I love you,’ let’s continue to intentionally live our best lives.

Luau 5K with US Road Running Race Club

Luau 5K at Heritage Harbor Park in Bradenton, FL

Today I ran the Luau 5K, decked out in my Hawaiian finest!

I know a 5K is not a very impressive distance, but it’s exciting for me since I’d thought my running days were over.

My Running Buddy, Bonnie

I used to run a lot. My main running buddy was my neighbor, Bonnie. We ran so many races together over the past 20 years. These included several Bolder Boulder 10Ks, the famed Bay to Breakers in California, the Denver Rock’n’Roll Marathon, the Horsetooth Half-Marathon, and countless 5Ks. In fact, in 2013, we ran a 5K every month in costume.

A year of costumed 5Ks

Running Again After Bone Density Improvement

Then, 5 years ago, I had some major back problems, including osteoporosis.

I was at risk for a vertebra fracture, so the doctors recommended against high-intensity sports like running.

However, after 5 years of AlgaeCal, my bone density improved and I’m no longer osteoporotic! (I’ll probably write some other blog post about Algaecal and my success story with that, but I don’t want to get too far off topic.)

Last Fall, I was walking with Bonnie, and told her that my back was better and I was thinking I’d be able to run 5Ks again. We remembered how much fun we’d had with our Year of Costumed 5Ks and agreed that we wanted to do something like that again.

However, I spend winters in Florida, so we couldn’t physically do a monthly event together. Bonnie suggested we each do a challenge of our choice and share photos.

US Road Running Race Club

I was excited about the idea of running again. When I searched for 5K races in Bradenton, Florida, I discovered the US Road Running Race Club! They host monthly races and (here’s the best part) they have theme-based costume contests!

Welcome Gift from the US Road Running Race Club

The club sent an unexpected Welcome card (so sweet!) and T-shirt. Race entrance fees are 50% off when you join the club and they even offer the ability to do virtual races and submit pictures on their Facebook page!

Today’s race had a theme of “Luau.” Since I didn’t bring my wide array of costumes with me from Colorado, I ordered a pink hula skirt and matching leis. It wasn’t the most creative of costumes, but I was happy with it.

And guess what? I won the costume contest!

Of course, I’m pretty sure I was the only runner who came to the event wearing a costume. My fine-tuned strategy when it comes to winning contests is to be the soul contestant.

The volunteers and workers at the race were handing out leis. (Another gold star for US Road Running Race Club!) I think the person who was in charge of the picking the winner of the costume contest was a little worried until she saw me, just before the race start.

She immediately told me I’d won the contest, gave me my medal, and took a picture of me at the front of the pack at the starting line. Instant celebrity!

Even though other people think it would be embarrassing to be the only one in costume, I embrace my inner-child.

I admit, it IS embarrassing to be the only adult in competition with kids. Luckily there were no kids who were dressed up.

It’s also awkward and embarrassing when the costume contest is settled by audience applause. Go ahead, cute little kids, steal the show!

But blissfully, I was the soul contestant and scored an easy win!

High-quality medals!

I came home with two high-quality medals – one for the Best Costume and one for finishing the Luau race.

The weather was perfect and running felt really good! The low altitude and flat terrain (along with my slow pace) made it an easy race. Five years ago I thought I’d never be able to run again. I thought I might be in constant pain. Who knows what the future will bring, but I’m so grateful for today.

This was one of the highlights of the month for me and a wonderful way to start 2024.

Thank you US Road Running Race Club! Looking forward to more!

December Learning: Lucid Dreaming in Retirement

This reminds me of my recurring dream of having lots of unknown babies

Lucid Dreaming – The Final Topic in my 2023 Year of Learning in Retirement

In the final month of my 2023 Year of Learning in Retirement, I picked Lucid Dreaming as the topic I’d take a deeper dive into.

To be honest, I’ve been super-busy and distracted and hadn’t even picked a December learning topic when my friend, Chris, sent me a link to the Lucid Dreaming online class.  Chris, who lives in Bali, is an avid meditator, and goal-setter, himself.  He’d just completed The Mindful Guide to Lucid Dreaming class, which was available through the Insight Timer app.

I’d just arrived in Bradenton, Florida and had tested positive for Covid, upsetting my plans to visit both Chris and his mother, who was turning 90, in St. Augustine.

Since those plans were completely disrupted and I had a week of isolation and bed-rest in front of me, it turned out to be the perfect time to learn about Lucid Dreaming.

What is Lucid Dreaming?

Though I can’t be certain I’ve truly experienced it (even after having taken the class) it sounds like Lucid Dreaming is the ability to have an awareness and control your actions while dreaming.

I’ve experienced the awareness piece on occasion, but not the second half – taking conscious action during a dream.

How does the class teach you to Lucid Dream?

First, the class helps you enhance your mindfulness and your ability to control what you’re thinking.  This part was very similar to what I learned when studying meditation. (Makes sense since Insight Timer is an app that includes guidance on Mindful Meditation.)

Many of the exercises began with breathing exercises and an awareness of your conscious thoughts, including when you transition to a sleep and dream state.  It was very handy for me to be listening to this class and doing these exercises while I was feverish and in a half-asleep state already.

As you slip into this dream state and see or experience something that wouldn’t be possible, your conscious mind that’s still half there is able to register, “This is a dream. I am not really pregnant again.”  (One of my recurring dreams is that I’m pregnant yet again. In these dreams, I have lots of babies which I don’t remember having. These are undoubtedly the children resulting from all the other pregnancy dreams.)

OK, back to reality. Next time, I’ll be able to realize that that back pain is NOT about pregnancy!

Recording Your Dreams

So…what you’re supposed to do when you’re conscious enough to remember your dream is this: grab a notebook that you keep by your bed and write down your dream.  If you wait until you’re fully awake, there’s a good chance you won’t remember the dream.

When I listened to this part of the class, I thought to myself: “I’m too sick to even want to move to take the much-needed Tylenol that’s sitting on that bedside table. This will have to wait.”

A couple of weeks later, when I wasn’t so sick, I was having a not-very-interesting dream about my girlfriend group. I also had to pee. I thought, “Since I’m up anyway, I should write down my dream.”  

However, I’ve struggled with insomnia my whole life.  Even though I had to get up to pee, I was still sleepy enough that I went right back to sleep without a problem.  If I had taken the time to write my dream down in a journal, I think it would have made it difficult for me to drift back to sleep. Bottom line: I’m not doing the journaling thing.

Why learn about Lucid Dreaming?

I thought the final few lectures were the most insightful about the benefits of Lucid Dreaming.  Often we dream about things that are bothering us in real life.  If we can interpret and dig into the meaning of our dreams, we might be able to rewrite our ‘dream story.’  This, of course, might be especially useful if our dreams (or nightmares) are related to an anxiety that we need to address.

One of the most difficult times of my life was in 1997 after my brother (another ‘Chris’) died in a car accident. I had dreams every night where he was alive. Then I’d wake up and re-experience the grief of his death.  (The opposite has also happened…. Dreaming that someone has died, and the huge relief in waking up, knowing it was just a dream.)

However, when I was having the nightly dreams that my brother was alive, it became so common that in my dream, I realized it was a dream, and would think, “I don’t want to wake up. If I wake up, Chris will be dead.”

As anyone who’s been through grief knows, it can be a time of deep depression and despair.  Every morning when I’d wake up, again to the realization that Chris was dead, I would sob uncontrollably.

But one night, the dream was different. Chris was there and told me he was OK. He was his typical carefree, full of happy energy self, telling me to stop worrying.  He was so real that it felt like I was really communicating with him in the afterlife. Even after I woke up, it didn’t feel like I’d just had a dream.

Was my experience “Lucid Dreaming”?

I don’t think that experience was “lucid dreaming” because it didn’t feel like a dream.  It could have been my subconscious.  However, the experience was vivid enough that I had a different feeling going forward.  I was still sad that Chris was dead, but I had a sense of peace and a belief that he had been able to communicate with me and reassure me that he was OK. (I just wish he’d have given me a little more information about the ‘after-life’!)

Since that whole experience happened before I knew anything about “lucid dreaming,” I don’t know if it would serve as an example of how we can rewrite our dreams.  However, if you have a recurring dream that upsets you, I think the idea is to ‘day dream’ a different outcome..  maybe one that you overcome the challenge you’re facing. The next time you have the dream, your lucid dreaming skills will help you rewrite your dream to a more positive outcome.  Doing this in your dream (even in your day dream) may change your mindset and feelings while you’re awake.

Summary – Learning about Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming, like meditation, helps us develop more awareness of our minds and our consciousness. 

Dreams can give us insights into our minds.  By having a deeper awareness about our dreams, we may learn how to change the outcomes, not just of our dreams, but of our waking lives.

While I don’t intend to keep a dream journal or work much more on trying to develop my lucid dreaming skills, I’m glad I learned about this unique mind-control skill.