OK! O has been the letter On board in Our alphabet-inspired year and Overall, O-Weeks have been the Opposite Of Ordinary. I’ve been Obsessing Over the Overwhelming Ongoing news. Sometimes Outrageous, sometimes Optimistic, Onward we go.
We’ve had Outstanding weather and this is the season to enjoy the Outdoors. There are still the summer Outpours, Of course. The Olympics Opening ceremony Occurred Outdoors last night amidst an Outpouring of rain.
However, at the Outdoor concert (a mini-Orchestra) I attended, the sky was Opalescent as we listened to the sweet sounds of Sage & Aera, along with Xerephine On harp.
Other Outdoor events Occur all summer – picnics, movies, hikes – Any Organizer will Opt to host Outdoors with Others for Optimum Oxytocin.
Not Only in my Occupation have I enjoyed Order, but even Outside of work, I thrive On being Organized.
I tend to Overthink, but when I Organize my thoughts, plans, and actions, I feel productive and accomplished.
This week, I wrote about how I was able to Overcome Osteoporosis. Now my focus is to build strength by Obeying a plan designed to Optimize health. The diet plan is not Only to prevent Obesity, but designed to Obtain muscle.
Finally, I’m Optimistic about the future Of the country.
Though my Origins were Republican, I Own up to my detest for the Old, Odd, Oppressive Republican nominee. Though I don’t agree with all the Opinions of the left, I’m Overjoyed that Kamala Harris is the new presumptive Democratic nominee. To prevent an Oligarchy, I’m throwing my full support behind Harris, Onboarding for volunteer efforts! I’m going On Overdrive to get an Outstanding candidate into the Oval Office!
Remarkable 66.67% improvement in Bone Density in my Lumbar Spine!
If you’ve heard overcoming osteoporosis is impossible, read on.
The Fears of Osteoporosis
“Prepare yourself for a life of pain.”
Even though that’s not exactly what the doctor said, she implied it, telling me her grandmother, who had osteoporosis, had suffered terrible pain.
Osteoporosis, or low bone density, is known to be a degenerative disease that progresses with time. Osteoporosis often leads to fractures, which are painful. In particular, my lumbar spine was at high risk because I also have severe scoliosis – a curved lower spine, also degenerative.
That doctor advised me to take controversial medications for my osteoporosis, and when I told her I wanted to try natural remedies, she was very dismissive.
I got a second opinion from a much more positive (and professional) doctor. This doctor agreed that my bone density was a serious problem that needed to be monitored, but was open to trying natural remedies.
Though I once thought it would be impossible, my lumbar spine bone density T-score numbers went from -2.7 (Osteoporosis) to -0.9 (Normal) over 5 years. This result was without the use of any controversial pharmaceuticals.
Instead I used Algaecal’s Bone Booster Supplements, which includes plant-based calcium.
Lumbar Spine T-Score:
8/5/2020: -2.7
7/26/2021: -2.2
8/24/2022: -1.8
6/20/2023: -1.4
6/11/2024: -0.9
Everyone’s body is unique, so, of course, this solution may not be right for you. However, I certainly was amazed and excited by the results!
I’ll also note that on the initial year of using AlgaeCal, my lumber spine T-score actually went down. However, the T-scores of my hips improved, so I decided to stick with the supplements.
I was thrilled, that my lumbar spine (the area that I was most concerned about) improved to the point of no longer even being in the osteopenia (yellow flag) category. However, my left hip, while improved, is still in the osteopenia range.
Another option that I tried for a few months was OsteoStrong, in Boulder, a specialized gym designed to build bone density. The coaches there were really helpful and I was really grateful that this modern-day option was available.
An OsteoStrong workout uses machines that are kind of like weight machines that you supply a load which your bones resist against. Once you pass a threshold, your body is actively building bone.
The OsteoStrong workout only takes about 10 minutes once a week. It was absolutely easier than a typical strength-building workout. Vibration plates are also available which help with building bone density.
AlgaeCal products sold at OsteoStrong gym
Diet and Exercise for Bone Health
Of course, bone-friendly diet and bone-building exercise is one of the easiest, most natural things we can do to keep our bones healthy.
Since learning my spine was at high-risk for a fracture, I stopped running, but became obsessive about daily walking. I also became more educated about the foods that were best for building bones.
There are a great variety of resources out there to help. I’m so grateful that bone loss progression is no longer inevitable.
If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, don’t despair! You, too, can reverse this prognosis! Check out AlgaeCal and OsteoStrong.
Note: For those who want to try AlgaeCal, if you order by phone and mention my name, we will both get discounts on our orders.
I “N”-tered iNto N-Weeks kNowing that words that started with N were Not as Numerous as others letters. It’s Not a Necessity to ‘N-N’date this ‘N’tire post simply with words that start with the letter ‘N’ when there are an ‘N’ordiNate Number of words that start with the ‘N’ sound. Let’s be ‘N’ovative with our ‘N’ergy and Not be Negative about ‘N’ything. No Need for preconceived Notions of Normalcy.
Nourishing or Not, I like to use the celebrated letter to Nudge myself iNto Nibbling on New foods.
Now that I kNow how Nectarous Nectarines are, I’ll be eating a lot more of them! iN fact, I made a Nutritional Neoteric Nectarine’N’Nutty ‘N’salada iN celebration.
Noodles & Company
I also ‘N’joyed a Nonsensical Night Nibbling on Noodles with Scotty who was in towN! Nutella, Nori, Nuts, Naked juice, and Nestle tollhouse cookie dough were Noted Noshables.
2Nd Nature in Niwot, Colorado
North of my home in Superior, CO, is a little towN Named Niwot. Nestled Neatly Near Boulder, Niwot hosts summer Niceties like Friday Night art walks and daNcing uNder the stars.
aNtiques iN Niwot
My friend, Mary aNd I, ‘N’joyed the Nostalgic kNick-kNacks that filled this aNtique store.
The Natural surroundings in Niwot were Nurturing. This Nature picture is actually from my Neighborhood, but represeNts Nirvana – Nothing but Nice feelings that my Niwot Night ‘N’voked.
National News is Notorious for Noise and Nastiness, but Nice News helps to remiNd us that our Nation is full of humaNity and kiNdNess.
iNdepeNdeNce Day
My N-Nudge for the Carpe Diem CoNNections group this week was “New” remiNding the group that doiNg New things helps build Neuroplasticity.
As is the Norm, I draw a lot of ‘N’ergy from the Nonsense that can ‘N’sue oN the Facebook group.
Let me just ‘N’d by Noting that I kNow National News is Not to be igNored. But today, let’s turN dowN the Noise aNd ‘N’gage iN Nonsense or Nothing at all.
On this 4th of July, I’m excited to introduce a new nonprofit, Cister, founded by my dear friend Michaela Avis. Cister’s mission is to promote ally visibility within the LGBTQ+ community.
Michaela and I have been friends for nearly 20 years, first meeting on Match.com in 2005 when Michaela was still Michael. Our bond has only grown stronger over the years.
In fact, if you read my book, The Laptop Dancer Diaries, Michaela was a main character, one of my best friends and confidantes. We’ve met Friday mornings for coffee for 18 years, discussing everything from quotidian delights to deep and dark concerns. We’ve listened and supported one another through each of our family’s joys and tragedies.
Michaela founded Cister to create a visible support network for the LGBTQ+ community, allowing cisgender allies to show their acceptance and solidarity.
Being a centrist, I shy away from political activism and I wasn’t sure what might be expected of a “Cister.”
Initially, I wasn’t familiar with the term ‘cisgender,’ which describes people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. Cister aims to empower cisgender allies to visibly support the LGBTQ+ community.
Wearing Cister gear is a way for those of us who are Cisgender to outwardly show our support and acceptance to the LGBTQ+ community.
Fellow Cister Superhero, Bonnie, and I run in the 5K Freedom Race in Louisvile, CO
Let Freedom Run 5K
When running-buddy, Bonnie, suggested we participate in the Let Freedom Run 5K, I was all for it! The ads encouraged us to come dressed as Superheroes (one of my favorite costumes!) Why not come as “Super Cisters?”
We are so lucky to live in a country where we have the freedoms we do, thanks to countless sacrifices. Those of us who are “cisgender” take for granted the freedom to be authentic, with no fear of bullying or judgment.
I feel strongly that as a nation, we love and support one another in our choices. As a Christian and an American, I’m proud of the diversity we experience in this country. This diversity opens us up to a wide range of viewpoints, expanding our minds, recognizing our uniqueness as well as our common humanity.
As we journey together to lift one another, to lean on one another, to love one another, as we work to get this right for everyone, for all the people, we encourage you to walk in the world as your best authentic self. Because that is the most important gift you have, and everyone else needs to see it.
I’m so proud of my friend, Michaela, who has created this new and unique non-profit. What a great way for Cisters to stand side-by-side LGBTQ+ in unity. (I’d like to suggest we change the acronym to LGBC-QT. That way we can get the “Cisters” represented and end with QT… Maybe next year.)
Do What You Can!
Every Effort Counts: Do What You Can
I was struck by the phrase “Do What You Can” at the Start and Finish line at today’s race. When my friend, Craig, was dying from ALS, and continued to lose physical abilities, I realized he still did what he was able. The rest of my life has been influenced by seeing his determination to remain positive in the face of such adversity. Sometimes we don’t realize that our efforts, no matter how small they seem, can make a big difference.
I told Michaela that I’d blog about Cister, but warned her that my reach was very small. I’m not a celebrity or an “influencer.” Very few people read my blog.
But still, I told her, “I’ll do what I can.” (She expects to see a big uptick in sales after this blog post, though, so I’d appreciate it if you’d help me make it go viral by sharing it, please.)
Not only do I think it’s important to show our “Cister” Support, I love the product line that’s available. Besides the leggings and racerback tank that I’m wearing in these photos, there are a wide variety of hoodies, cute caps, mugs, and bags, all reasonably priced and (currently) free shipping!
Show your Cister Support
No matter your politics, religion, or beliefs, we all deserve to express our authentic selves. Let’s support the Cister community and show our allyship with pride (and trendy new clothes!) Please join me in supporting the Cister Community!
My, My! Many Magnificent Memories Materialized in these two weeks that Mark the Mid-Year. I don’t want to Modify My Methods, but I have a Multitude of iMages Marking Many Memorable Microadventures so photos will be My Main Media.
Mirror image of the Monday Matinee Movie.
Miniatures Made Meticulously to coM”M”erate Marriage of Mom and dad
Mentalist Magician and Mind-reader, Alec Mueller, perforMs in longMont
Meandering through Meadows with a view of Magnificent Mountains
Mighty Moon-rise from the Mountain Mansion of My Munificent friend, Tina.
Modeling My Modern Cister gear with Michaela for Pride Month
It’s time to Mention of My CarpeD”M” Connections Facebook group. I love the Mischief and Mirth and the Many creative Messages that Materialize as a result of the “M”boldened letter.
Heidi McClean Made a Mellifluous haiku. My friend, Becky, eMailed a guided Meditation. There were Many sweet shares of Memories and photos, including this one from Ms. McClendon who I Met in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico! (She looks just like Mandy Moore!)
Many More Members Mentioned Memories.
Midway through the year, we Seized the ‘M’ (Carpe de M) with Memories, Music, and Merriment. Musing about the Marvelous Memories has Moved Me with “M”otion – I feel Moxie and Mojo that sometimes go Missing. Let’s continue to “M”brace Memories and Make New ones Next week iN N-Weeks!
L-Weeks were w”L”comed in with a “Lovely Ladies Lounging” get-together. We usually call this GGG – Girls Gathering Greatly. But Last week we were LLLs, We were Lounging Luxuriously, Lazily Lollygagging, Loafing, Lurking, and Laughing. Yes, we raised more than a Little L.
ELLE’s Belles!
We Looked Lovely for our “ELLE” photo-shoot. Whether Light-weight, Loose, Lavender, or “L”-egant, we were Laudable Ladies.
Lasagna, Latkes on Lettuce, Little meatbaLLs, a Loaf of bread, Licorice, Lemonade, Lacroix, and even Lavender chocolates were on the Lavish List of foods and Libations.
Lilacs and Lavender
Lucious Lilacs
Isn’t it Lucky that the Lilacs were Lush during none other than the week we were celebrating the Letter L? I absolutely Love the sweet fragrance of Lilacs and Lament that the Lucious aroma doesn’t Last Longer.
Last year, I sent a few Lilac Letters, and I decided to make this an annu”L” tradition.
Lilac Love Letters
These Little Lilac Love Letters are Lavender-scented and Light-hearted. I Like that they’re “L”ementary, yet Like a Little Locket of Love.
2004 L-Weeks
Long ago (2004), my “L-Weeks Field Trip” was with my sons, Matt and Scotty, and we went to Lakeside Amusement Park. I’d hoped to reLive that experience by going with my grandchiLdren today, the fin”L” day of our tribute to the Letter L.
Instead we were very Lazy aLL day and did very Little. We did Laugh quite a Lot, which is even better than going to Lakeside.
As a Logophile, I Love Learning about the English Lexicon and I Learned a new L-word today: Lucullan – it means Luxurious and Lavish! Let me know what L-words you Like?
Responses included:
Rising contributor, Heidi, also added this Haiku:
Lingering long
A lackadaisical day
Lazy and lovely
That Literally describes this Last day of L-Weeks! Living Life Lackadaisically!
K-Weeks have been a little KooKy. K’s don’t Kontribute as many words as I’d like, so let’s Kreate a bit of K-os on this post with Krazy, Kool, and Kreative spellings, oK? These two weeks K’s were King! I hope there were Kit-Kats, Klondike bars, and Key lime pies in your Kitchen.
My K-Weeks outing was to Kataluma Chai. I’m Keen on chai and this Kataluma must have Kilos of Kinds available.
I met Irma from Kompassionate Hospice Kare here for a Konversation. I’ve been looking for a way to earn “Karma points” and volunteering for hospice Kare Kould provide that Kurrency. (I once thought about Kreating an app, where one Kould earn and spend “Karma points” through volunteerism.)
( Kudos to my Kick-ass Kind friend, Michael Bolé, who took this photo and is rich in Karma points.)
As I mentioned, K-Weeks were Kind of Kooky and I was thinking of putting a Kabosh on this Kindergarten-like project. Yeah, I was going to Kill the whole Kit and Kaboodle.
Jules and Luisa were Kindred spirits and were Key in reminding me of ways to Keep my spirits high.
They were like the KooKaburra spreading a message of Kumbaya.
The Keyword – the King of all K-words, of Kourse, is Kindness. Yes, it seems each letter has at least one Killer Kick-ass word. Starting with G we have Gratitude, Happiness, Intention, Joy, and now, Kindness!
There is so much Kindness in this world, that I Know I often take for granted. I spend so much time Katastrophizing about what might happen that I Kan miss the Kindness.
My Karpe Diem Konnections site is always full of Kind Komments like these two from Kelly and M’Lady maKivor!
Elizabethe’s Grateful Gathering, and my friend, BecKy, Kreated a Kind space for me to share the grief I was feeling on the 27th anniversary of my bother’s death.
I’m surrounded by Kind Kohorts, Kompanions, Kids, and Kin. Using the last 5 Killer words:
When I’m Intentional about my Gratitude for Kindness, I’m filled with Happiness and Joy! And you know what all this is Leading to? L-weeks, and that means Love!
New friends, Jules and Luisa, with invaluable insights
Walking with Boulder Ramblers is a good remedy for the blues
The power of connection is stronger than I realized. As a natural introvert, I often have to talk myself into socializing. This is especially true when I’m in a funk, as I have been lately.
One of the best ways to improve my mood is to hike with friends and one of my favorite walking/hiking groups is the Boulder Ramblers, led by the awesome Darcy Kitching. (Check out this Ice Cream-themed Walk she led last summer!)
The Boulder Ramblers is not just about hiking or walking, it’s about connecting. Darcy does such a wonderful job of facilitating connection. She really has a gift of making everyone feel welcomed and part of her big extended family.
Connecting with two new friends
The first two women I saw as the group gathered were Jules and Luisa. Both were relatively new to Boulder Ramblers and had friendly smiles.
Luisa was sporting a “Pura Vida” cap. Spanish for “Pure Life,” the phrase is used to describe Costa Rica’s culture. Living in Costa Rica is something I’ve been dreaming about for years. I’ve been obsessing about it even more lately, thinking about switching my “snowbird location” from Florida to Costa Rica.
Within 30 minutes of talking to Luisa, she’d given me two super-valuable Costa Rican resources: A Spanish language school, CPI-Spanish, and a Volunteer Organization, CEPIA. Both are in Playa Flamingo, Guanacaste, the very area I’ve been wanting to check out! (Not just because of the “Flamingo” name, either! It’s known for its beautiful beaches and ex-pat community.)
In the course of our conversations, Jules, also, made me aware of more resources that sounded really interesting: A Bolder Women’s Meetup Group and Girl Catch Fire – Finding Meaning in Midlife. Even though I’m a bit past “mid-life,” I know my moodiness is often related to the lack of purpose I feel at this stage of life.
A tool to help us realize our value and purpose
Jules shared a simple yet powerful journaling tool: each morning, write down three things you’re grateful for, and each evening, three things you want to celebrate about the day. This practice helps reinforce our value and purpose, and brainstorm ways to continue pursuing happiness.
Jules recommended using pen and paper, which I find charming. On this first night, however, I’ll “cheat” and use this blog post and publicly celebrate.
The power of connection
It’s amazing how a single morning with the Boulder Ramblers could potentially redirect my life. The resources and ideas shared by Jules and Luisa have filled me with excitement and possibilities, from new Meetups to the prospect of living in Costa Rica.
My celebration journal for tonight includes:
Went to Boulder Ramblers Meetup – Grateful to Darcy for all she does to foster connection and community in this group!
Grateful for my conversation with Luisa about her Costa Rica experience – Explored CPI-Spanish and CEPIA as possibilities for next winter!
Grateful for my conversation with Jules about finding purpose in Midlife and the journaling tool – signed up for upcoming Meetup and learning more about Girl Catch Fire.
It’s time for J-Weeks Jabberwocky! Maybe we should start with some Joints, now that I’m back in Colorado. Just Joshing. Joints aren’t my Jam.
J-Weeks began with my Journey Jetting home to Colorado after a Jolly winter in Florida.
I was Juggling a lot of balls and Jumping through hoops, trying to get my car shipped. After two weeks of bad JuJu, I was finally able to schedule a pickup.
Just today, CARPEDM was Jettisoned from the car carrier and is home with me at last. The driver did an excellent Job and I’m in a much more Jovial mood than I was when the Journey began.
Journaling about Joy
Journaling helped Jog my memory about the many Joys of my Colorado life. In particular, the Juniors who live in Colorado.
Mother’s Day Jubilee
My two weeks home have been Jam-packed with Juicy reunions.
I did Jumping Jacks and Jogged to celebrate my J-Weeks Jaunt through my neighborhood. Reminiscent of the Jacarandas of Florida, there are lilacs of Jordy Blue, filling the air with their perfumed scent.
Lilacs Jazz up my Jog with their sweet scent
A bouquet filled with Jacinthe-colored tulips bring me Joy while I drink a cup of Jo in my Jammies.
I asked the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group for examples of Joy. Answers included Jets, Journeys, Jersey, Jasmine, Joie de Vivre, and Jiving to the Jitterbug.
J-Weeks: Jokes
Jokes were another opportunity for the Carpe Diem Community to Join in with Jocularity.
I liked Kelly’s J-Play, both with Jaywalking and Blue Jay:
Judge and Jury would agree that these Jokes would make any Jester Jealous.
All Joking aside, though J-words are limited, Just one small word is all we need to hit the Jackpot: Joy!
So, I’m back in Superior after my Florida stint, psyched to be home. But guess what? My car’s MIA, stuck in shipping hell. Oh dear. But here’s the silver lining: while I’m carless, I stumble upon a treasure, practically in my own back yard—the Superior Community Center. Turns out, there’s a whole bunch of cool stuff for the over-60 crowd like me that I never knew about. Book clubs, Texas Hold’em games—you name it. It’s like I hit the jackpot!
As I learned during the pandemic, a “Staycation in Superior” is an awesome opportunity to explore my beautiful town!
Activities for all Age Groups
The Superior Community Center is only about 1/2 mile from my house. I love walking there, even when my car is available. Last year, I often walked over for a variety of events – open-mic night, ukulele jam, DJ Bingo, and Thursday night choir practice.
One of the many great things about this intergenerational community choir is that it’s very informal! No auditions necessary! Even though I was gone all winter, I was able to join right in again, as if I’d never left.
Activities for 60+
I decided to check what activities were on the schedule for the over 60 crowd and what a surprise! There’s such a variety and abundance of classes!
Since I’ve been home, I’ve joined the Book Club, the Fountain of Youth drop-in group, and played Texas Hold’em yesterday at the Games group.
The young woman (2nd from the left), Hannah, works at the Superior Community Center and helps facilitate many of the activities. Next to her is Carol, who was teaching Texas Hold’em. I almost didn’t go, thinking I was already a pro, but I learned a few things myself!
Fun Atmosphere
Besides the variety of activities that are being held at the Superior Community Center, it’s just a fun place to hang out.
It’s funny that I’ve been actively looking at moving to a 55+ community so that I’d be able to find new nearby friends, activities, and clubs. A couple of weeks ago, I found that so much was available at the library close to my Bradenton condo. This week, I find there’s an abundance of activities available walking distance from my Superior home.
Feeling inspired to explore what your local community center has to offer? Don’t wait! Check out the activities calendar, gather some friends or fly solo, and dive into the fun. Whether you’re into book clubs, card games, or just looking to meet new people, there’s something for everyone. So, go ahead, discover the hidden treasures of your own neighborhood, and make some unforgettable memories along the way!