If you want to have a “Carpe Diem Mindset,” first you might want to figure out things that bring you happiness and joy. For me, three things I love are walking, sunshine, and playing games – like scavenger hunts!
Now that it’s summer and there’s plenty of sunshine, I’m creating my own “scavenger hunt” by walking the trails in my neighborhood and hunting for things that make me happy… and it turns out there are SO many things I’m finding!
To start this adventure, I found a map of my neighborhood at the Town of Superior’s Website that had all the walking trails marked:
Superior Trail Map
Every day, I’m hitting the trails and taking pictures, looking for things that make me smile.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Purple Flowers!Painted Rocks with Inspirational MessagesSigns Congratulating Graduating Seniors“Mutton Mowers” – Goat Grazing to Mitigate Noxious WeedBeautiful sceneryKids and Dogs!A TireSwing! Lovely Parks!
What things can you find that make you smile?
I’m grateful to the Town of Superior and all the people who make this area such a wonderful place to live.
I also thank Walk2Connect and Walk With a Doc for all their inspirational and motivational encouragement to keep walking!
Before my kids and friends gifted me with National Carpe Diem Day on my 60th birthday (February 26, 2020), I had planned on making May 30th the date to celebrate National Carpe Diem Day.
As many people have reminded me, every day should be Carpe Diem Day observed, because the whole point of “Carpe Diem” is to seize every day!
But when you register for a “National Day” you need to pick a specific day, and I think May 30th is a wonderful day to have a party because I love, love, love my Colorado home during this time of year. My lilacs smell like the sweetest perfume, my irises are in bloom, too, so purply and pretty, and my lawn is lovely green (thanks (so much!!) to housemate, John!)
Wish I could capture the perfume of these lilacs
Of course, Corona spoiled my plans for a big 60th birthday bash, but birthday fanatic that I am, I had celebrated for 60 weeks, leading up to the big day! How fortuitous! (Also, rain is in the forecast today, so had I planned a big outdoor party, I’d be stressing about the weather.)
One other stroke of luck for me: Another mini-GISH (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt) is scheduled for today! It is gamified goodness! I love it. (I’ll try and write another quick post for those who might want to join me!)
Besides it being a beautiful time of year, the other reason for this being a personal “Carpe Diem Day” for me is that it’s the day my brother died in a car accident in 1997 and my world changed.
I know we are all experiencing a lot of grief, sadness and loss these days. But grief can also make us realize how much we take for granted. It can make us want to make the most out of our lives and to savor the relationships and love we have. I don’t want to waste a minute with negative feelings.
But, of course, part of life is sadness, pain, and grief, and we can’t help but feel sad when people we love are feeling sad.
I learned a great new word this week from the Word Nerd: Saudade.
I’ve been reading a lot about this Portuguese word and there’s not a direct English translation, but I like this description best:
While the aches may be real for who and what have passed through life, the love that remains is what to truly hold onto.
So today here are ways I hope to observe Carpe Diem Day:
I will make an announcement about this new Website (despite my embarrassment at how it’s not really ‘ready’ for prime time).
I will enjoy accomplishing some GISH goals
I will enjoy the feeling of saudade as I watch the slideshows from my 60-Week party
I (am already) enjoying my beautiful surroundings
I’ll say a prayer that our world will be united in fighting the virus, ending social injustice, and finding peace and happiness in each day.
I’ll plan for some new fun adventures (virtual and otherwise) in the months to come!
Participating in GISH (the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt) is always fun for me. I love the creativity involved and having fun with teammates scattered around the world.
This year, GISH put on a special 1-day “mini-hunt” and I actually like the 1-day version better than the usual week-long version. Given that we’re all spending more time at home, this was a great reminder that we can bond, have fun, and “Seize the Day” even when we’re not physically together.
This video was made as part of the Online Buddy Program for Seniors with Skills.
Here’s how you can help:
Join the Online Buddy ProgramIsolated Seniors:
Do you know anyone who is facing social isolation who might want to join the Online Buddy Program? Please have them contact SWS at volunteering@seniorswithskills.org.
Senior Facilities:
Do you know of a senior facility that houses seniors who would benefit from receiving video chats and might want to be part of the Online Buddy Program. Please have them contact SWS at volunteering@seniorswithskills.org.
Do you want to volunteer to be an Online Buddy? Fill out this form.
Spread the word
Do you know anyone (news, blog, social media?) who might be interested in featuring this story to raise awareness of this cause, and encourage more seniors living at home who are facing social isolation to join the Online Buddy Program?
As a tech-geek, I have been quite enamored with this age of social media and collaborative team tools. My mother, on the other hand, and many others in her generation have not been so quick to embrace new technologies.
However, due to our current situation, my mother decided to put aside her resistance and give Zoom a try. The result meant she was able to see all her children and great-grandchildren together for the first time in an extended family Easter party hosted on Zoom.
Jaya Manjunath is helping to make this scenario a reality for seniors everywhere. She’s the founder of Seniors with Skills , a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the social isolation of senior citizens in North America.
Manjunath, a university student with a passion for helping the elderly, founded her nonprofit in 2018 with various programs including those to teach seniors how to use smartphones, computers, and technologies allowing them to be able to communicate with loved ones even when they aren’t physically present.
With the onset of Covid-19 and physical distancing, Manjunath is focusing on the Online Buddy program allowing seniors to engage in video-chats with volunteers.
The organization has had an influx of volunteers and continues to get more people who are eager to help; however, at this point, there are more volunteers than there are seniors who are signed up for the program.
SWS’s Online Buddy program includes any isolated seniors – whether they are in residential facilities or living on their own. We need your help in spreading the word!
Here’s how you can help:
Join the Online Buddy ProgramIsolated Seniors:
Do you know anyone who is facing social isolation who might want to join the Online Buddy Program? Please have them contact SWS at volunteering@seniorswithskills.org.
Senior Facilities:
Do you know of a senior facility that houses seniors who would benefit from receiving video chats and might want to be part of the Online Buddy Program. Please have them contact SWS at volunteering@seniorswithskills.org.
Do you want to volunteer to be an Online Buddy? Fill out this form.
Spread the word
Do you know anyone (news, blog, social media?) who might be interested in featuring this story to raise awareness of this cause, and encourage more seniors living at home who are facing social isolation to join the Online Buddy Program?