I’ve been blogging daily on my other blog about things I’m grateful for. I try to pick out just one picture to blog about, but today was too hard because there were so many pictures that make me smile.
This morning, as I took a walk at Harper Lake in Louisville, I saw this father with his two little girls, fishing. It was just such sweet scene. The two little girls, ages 3 and 18 months, with their cute, colorful hats and outfits, mindfully learning to fish.
I’m always hesitant about taking pictures of children but when I asked this young father if it was OK, he said, “Of course!” and was very friendly!
Hopefully, you can see from the picture, how he is patiently teaching and encouraging these two little ones – it was such a Norman Rockwell-like moment. It really warmed my heart!
Though fishing may be a great way to spend “National Relaxation Day,” taking care of two toddlers is rarely “relaxing,” yet this father seemed to be enjoying the outing as much as the kids were.
Since my kids are grown and I’m retired, I get more than my share of relaxation! Sometimes I miss the days where I was the mother in a scene like this.
Instead, I can just enjoy, smile, enjoy the sights and scenery, and feel “relaxed” on this summer morning!
How are you relaxing today?