Turning 65 – A Legacy in Progress

Life is a journey

Tomorrow, it’s official! I earn my rightful place in the ranks of the wise and wonderful elders of the world. Turning 65 is a milestone, one that makes me reflect on the road I’ve traveled, the unexpected turns, the moments I got completely lost, and the gratitude I feel for still being on this journey.

Leading up to turning 65, my plan had been to have a big, meaningful Thanksgiving gathering with my kids at my house. I had all my ducks in a row – end-of-life materials in order. I thought I’d give some grand matriarchal speech about how much I loved each of them.

In the end, I didn’t end up with a big speech, thinking I might just do it for my 65th birthday. Now I’m even late on my blog post, let alone a speech.

Instead, I hope I can express my love every day in little ways. Texts, calls, visits, and laughter.

Laugh with me in life

There’s a quote from Dr. Suess that says “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” I’m adapting that… “Don’t cry when I die. Let’s laugh together in life!”

Right now, I’m spending time with my son, Scotty, at Edwards Air Force Base.

I’ve also been visiting my mom in Sacramento, whose journey with dementia continues to show me the power of perseverance, humor, and grace. In fact, I am declaring her this year’s Carpe Diem Day Superhero.

Watching her face the challenges of memory loss with resilience has made me appreciate every moment, every connection, and every story that shapes our lives.

I’ve also gotten to spend some high-quality time with my brother, Neal, and my high school friend, Danny, with my frequent visits to Sacramento.

Neal and Danny enjoy some of my surprise birthday cake from Stella & Matt

Legacy Video Update

Which brings me to my big birthday project: a Legacy Video. Back in 1995, when I was in my 30s, I recorded a biographical videos with my family. Watching it now, I see how much has changed—who I was then, who I’ve become, and how my understanding of life, love, and getting lost has evolved.

So, I’m working on an updated version. It’ll be a mix of gratitude, humor, and reflections on what I’ve learned along the way. I don’t know exactly what the next phase of life will hold, but I do know I’m entering it with bold energy and appreciation for every twist and turn.

Instead of a big 65th birthday party, I’d love something different—connection. If you feel like reaching out, I’d love a call, a message, or just to hear how life is treating you. That would be the best birthday gift of all.

Onward to 65!

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One thought on “Turning 65 – A Legacy in Progress”

  1. Happy Birthday, Yvette!
    You are leading one inspiring life, and inspiring others in the process. Including me!
    I hope (and know) that you’ll spend at least part of your birthday appreciating the difference that you make for yourself, your family, your community, and the world. We need it now more than ever!

    As for me: Well, you’re on my Facebook friends list, so you probably know how I’m doing, but since you asked: Still shooting, not doing outdoor shows any longer, but I’ve started work on a photography instruction book (my first, non-photography, book was published in 2022) and still looking for writing gigs on the side. (Pushing carts at WalMart is not on my bucket list!). Volunteering at Six Mile Cypress Slough in Fort Myers, like I have since 2007. If you ever want a guided walk for yourself/friends, let me know!

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