X-Weeks have been both Xtra-stressful and Xtra-special. On November 20, we Xecuted a carefully planned move to transition Mom and Philip to Carlton, a Senior Living Community. While this was Xtremely emotional for all of us, it turned out to be Xactly what they needed.
Xceptional Positivity
Mom has been an Xtraordinary X-ample of resilience and positivity during this transition. She X-udes grace, even in the face of change, and in this short video, she X-plains how memory loss has a few unexpected perks.
Xpressing Love with Cards
One of Mom’s biggest concerns was not being in her cherished home of over 50 years for her birthday or the Xmas season. To make this time Xtra-special, I’ve X-tended an invitation to friends, family, and even friends of friends to send her cards filled with X’s and O’s. Here’s her new address:
Carlton Senior Living
1075 Fulton Ave. #261
Sacramento, CA 95825
Let’s Xpress our love and brighten her holiday season with a flood of thoughtful notes!
ThanXgiving Traditions

After settling Mom and Philip into their new home, I X-peditiously flew back to Colorado to celebrate ThanXgiving with my grown kids and X-tended family. My son and daughter-in-law traveled X-country from North Carolina, and my other son flew in from Virginia for the holiday weekend.
Together, we X-ecuted all our favorite traditions: the Turkey Trot, indulging in delicious dishes, playing games, and engaging in lively (but politics-free!) debates. ThanX to everyone’s Xceptional teamwork, we had a holiday full of laughter, love, and memories.
Xtreme Stories
For X-Weeks, I prompted my Facebook friends to share their most Xtreme experiences. While I shared my fondness for XP (Xtreme Programming) and X-country skiing—a favorite activity of my X-husband—one reader took the spotlight by admitting to being an Xtra in an X-rated film! Eva and Ken’s Xpressed Xtra answers.

It’s safe to say, X is one of the most Xasperating letters for alliteration. While I was Xpecting this post to be a challenge, it’s been Xhilarating to reflect on these Xceptional Xperiences. Now, I’m looking forward to what neXt week’s adventures – I’m sure you can figure out Y.