This V-weeks post comes with the Valuable help of my Virtual assistant, VickiAI. I’m Venturing to add even more “V” alliteration, keeping this Alphabet-Inspired project Vibrant, even though my blog’s Views might take a dip now that Facebook doesn’t let me share links. But I’m Vowing to see this Venture through—only fiVe letters left to go!
Visiting Vulnerable VIPs
This week’s Vital Visit has brought me to Sacramento, where I’m spending time with my mom and her partner, Philip. They’re Vulnerable in some ways, but with Vitamins, a bit of Veracity, and Vigilance, they keep up their Vitality and Vim. Though they’re not exactly Veracious in Voicing their need for help, I Vowed to be here, feeling Very fortunate to return to the Venue of my childhood home.
Vaccinated and Victorious Voting
Before embarking on this Voyage, I managed to Verifiably secure a Victory in my civic duty by Voting in Colorado. And, with a little Vigilance, I got both my flu shot and the COVID vaccine—both Valid steps toward a Vibrant, healthy winter! Taking these actions reminds me of how Vital it is to stay Vigilant about our health and to make sure we’re doing our part for the community.
Vibrant Virtual Ventures
Thanks to the Versatility of Virtual tools, I’m able to keep up my Valuable Volunteering at the Manatee Literacy Council, where I help teach conversation classes to those learning English. It’s been a Vivid reminder of the power of Virtual connections, which I get to experience further with an upcoming Virtual Agile Testing class next week.
Verdant Vistas and Very Fortunate Feelings
Sacramento has been full of Vivid autumn Vistas, with trees turning a Verdant array of colors. I feel Very lucky to have my brother and an old high school friend nearby. There’s even a lovely View of Sac State University within a 22-minute walk, adding a Vibrant touch to this trip.
As I round out these V-weeks, I’m taking in each moment with Verve and a spirit of Vivid gratitude. This Vital Visit and the Virtual Ventures that accompany it remind me how Valuable these opportunities are—and I’m excited to keep sharing this Alphabet journey with all of U!
You’re a Veritable bottomless well of Valid V-words, with your Voracious appetite for Very fun wordplay, Yvette! I’m Veritably enVious of eVery Vivid story you craft in these fun blogs, amiga.
loVe you, my ViVacious friend. <3