Overcoming Osteoporosis

Remarkable 66.67% improvement in Bone Density in my Lumbar Spine!

If you’ve heard overcoming osteoporosis is impossible, read on.

The Fears of Osteoporosis

“Prepare yourself for a life of pain.”

Even though that’s not exactly what the doctor said, she implied it, telling me her grandmother, who had osteoporosis, had suffered terrible pain.

Osteoporosis, or low bone density, is known to be a degenerative disease that progresses with time. Osteoporosis often leads to fractures, which are painful. In particular, my lumbar spine was at high risk because I also have severe scoliosis – a curved lower spine, also degenerative.

That doctor advised me to take controversial medications for my osteoporosis, and when I told her I wanted to try natural remedies, she was very dismissive.

I got a second opinion from a much more positive (and professional) doctor. This doctor agreed that my bone density was a serious problem that needed to be monitored, but was open to trying natural remedies.

Using Algaecal to Overcome Osteoporosis

I researched my options and discovered AlgaeCal.

Though I once thought it would be impossible, my lumbar spine bone density T-score numbers went from -2.7 (Osteoporosis) to -0.9 (Normal) over 5 years. This result was without the use of any controversial pharmaceuticals.

Instead I used Algaecal’s Bone Booster Supplements, which includes plant-based calcium.

Lumbar Spine T-Score:

  • 8/5/2020: -2.7
  • 7/26/2021: -2.2
  • 8/24/2022: -1.8
  • 6/20/2023: -1.4
  • 6/11/2024: -0.9

Everyone’s body is unique, so, of course, this solution may not be right for you. However, I certainly was amazed and excited by the results!

I’ll also note that on the initial year of using AlgaeCal, my lumber spine T-score actually went down. However, the T-scores of my hips improved, so I decided to stick with the supplements.

I was thrilled, that my lumbar spine (the area that I was most concerned about) improved to the point of no longer even being in the osteopenia (yellow flag) category. However, my left hip, while improved, is still in the osteopenia range.

OsteoStrong for Overcoming Osteoporosis

Another option that I tried for a few months was OsteoStrong, in Boulder, a specialized gym designed to build bone density. The coaches there were really helpful and I was really grateful that this modern-day option was available.

An OsteoStrong workout uses machines that are kind of like weight machines that you supply a load which your bones resist against. Once you pass a threshold, your body is actively building bone.

The OsteoStrong workout only takes about 10 minutes once a week. It was absolutely easier than a typical strength-building workout. Vibration plates are also available which help with building bone density.

AlgaeCal products sold at OsteoStrong gym

Diet and Exercise for Bone Health

Of course, bone-friendly diet and bone-building exercise is one of the easiest, most natural things we can do to keep our bones healthy.

Since learning my spine was at high-risk for a fracture, I stopped running, but became obsessive about daily walking. I also became more educated about the foods that were best for building bones.

There are a great variety of resources out there to help. I’m so grateful that bone loss progression is no longer inevitable.

If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, don’t despair! You, too, can reverse this prognosis! Check out AlgaeCal and OsteoStrong.

Note: For those who want to try AlgaeCal, if you order by phone and mention my name, we will both get discounts on our orders.

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